Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Beach Front Wedding


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When you fine a pretty woman you have to keep her by making her yours.  When you find a handsome man you have to keep him by making him yours.  It’s called marriage.  Its official, we belong

If it’s a rainbow wedding, then the marriage for years to come has to be a rainbow of love.  It starts with the married couple, who has one child, then handsome dog and then just maybe the crumb snatchers (kids). 

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What would a wedding be without the first dance of love between the bride and groom?  The first dance is a beautiful moment.  She is looking at him, he is looking at her.  It’s a special moment of two separate people who have come together as one.  As they embrace, it is a symbol of the many years that they will embrace each other physically and spiritual is life, holding one another.

What does LOVE look like with family and friends?

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Do You Photo Booth


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Do you want #photoBooth or #photoPortraits with a back drop?  Do you know the similarities? Do you know the differences?  Do you know the cost in choosing a box to stand in on sit in versus just a back drop to stand in front of?  Did you think #sillyGlasses, hats and other attire was only about a #photoBooth?  Did you think only a photo booth arrangement can #printPictures?

The term #photoBooth is a play on words for back drop portrait shooting with silly items and #onsitePrinting.  So where did the both come from, either a #countyFair, the circus or the #passport booth in the shopping mall.  You go into the booth, close the curtain, #takeAPicture and out comes a 4 - 1x1 inch pictures in passport format.  And there you have it, #photoBooth.

But, that’s an old setup.  However, some customers don't get it unless it is a 4x4 maybe 6x6 box.  If you say #photoStation, they say no, we need a box to try and fit into like sardines in a can.  OK, to each its own.

The true #photoBooth, shooting within a box cost you more than a photo station shoot. Less people can fit into a #photoBooth (box) rather than just having a 10x10 back drop where the whole klan can take a nice group picture.

Does #printingOnSite really matter today?  Most images are shown and shared via mobile device which is connected often times to the social world.  Therefore, could you save on cost if you had a #photoBooth (box) that sent the images to social media at that moment rather than paying paper and ink cost only for the picture to have no shared comment life sitting on the shelf?  

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#saveYourMoney, create your own #photoStation area that is consistent with your functions theme.  Ensure the facility has WI-FI and have the photos sent to an online site where you and your guest can access the images while at the function.  Either you buy the silly items at the local party store for $50 bucks because most are broken by the end of the party.  

Furthermore, you know they are clean because you just bought them versus some old stuff that has been used again and again by who knows who, who just got over a nasty cold.  

Now, your hands are on the hat.

Do a #photoStation with a larger backdrop, now the #familyGroup, the brothers, the kids, the mothers, the fathers, the team, the coaches can all fit in and you get a thigh high to head shoot rather than from the neck up.

You work hard, use your money strategically.  Do a photo station.


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Do visit, observe, evaluate, budget, call for service

Graphic Image Pet Collars Virgin Wine Club   Exclusive Gift Boutique